NBIC integration
Imagine your next product launch with NBIC inside and
the 9 new technologies by Gartner
First, clearly describe IOB and links with IOT
(especially IOB)
Same for security
Do these 5 parts in each groups
1/ HASH 256
What is it ?
How do you calculate a hash 256 ?
IS "59b494e72142ed8dce6dcae1774e2188787e149560742391fb78afdadd3624d8" the right hash 256 for "hubert" ?
IS "4e8552786b56603a9be8976cea3488c6a7f26c545913a1bbaee6d1a4da11427" the right hash 256 for "Kratiroff"
2/ PoW vs. PoS
What are the differences between Proof of Stack and Proof of Work ?
What are the differences in time and energy ?
3/ Bitcoin (nombre / délai / rémunération minage)
4/ Ether ETH Ξ vs. ethereum
Is Ethereum a blockchain or a cryptomoney ?
What is a FIAT money vs. a cryptocurrency ?
5/ NFT
What is a non fongible object or asset ?
Look at the french licorne SoRare and discribe their technologies
6/ Tocken
What différent kinds of tocken can you describe?
What is a tocken and a public/private signature or something else?
Do these 5 parts in each groups
1/ Quelle entreprise a connu un déclin fort, puis un retour en première place suite à une transformation ?
2/ 2/ Quels secteurs, marchés, industries ont connu des baisses régulières, suivies d’un retour à la normale ?